Upcoming Events

The Christadelphians conduct regular Bible seminars and Bible classes at their hall, 19 Worland Street, Yagoona which you are welcome to attend. 

Seminar: The Bible Hell Demystified

14th July, 2024 at 2:30 pm

Live at the Yagoona Christadelphian Hall.

Join this Seminar to learn what the Bible teaches concerning hell, demystifying it from the teachings of popular theology. Contact us for Zoom details or attend in-person.



Seminar: Current Events in Light of Bible Prophecy

21st July, 2024 at 2:30 pm

Live at the Yagoona Christadelphian Hall.

Our world in undeniably in troubling times that the Bible prophesied. Attend to hear this enlightening seminar on Bible prophecy!
Contact us for Zoom details or attend in-person.


Seminar: The Miracle of Israel

28th July, 2024 at 2:30 pm

Live at the Yagoona Christadelphian Hall.

Attend to learn about how the return of the Jewish people to Israel fulfils Bible prophecy and is closely intertwined with the gospel preached by Christ.
Contact us for Zoom details or attend in-person.


Seminar: TBA

11th August, 2024 at 2:30 pm

Live at the Yagoona Christadelphian Hall.

Attend to examine Bible teaching on the Gospel!
Contact us for Zoom details or attend in-person.


 Seminar: World Peace…Is it Actually Achievable?

Seminar in-person & online (details below)

When:  2:30 pm, Sunday 12th May, 2024
Where:  Yagoona Christadelphian Hall, 19 Worland Street, Yagoona
OR view the livestream on our YouTube channel

World peace is what we all need! Since COVID, the world has entered a phase of unprecedented trouble. World governments are grappling with issues on every front with no easy solutions. The Bible (God’s Word) declares that such would be the case in the last days, before Jesus Christ returns to the earth (Luke 21:25-26).

He will come as a thief to firstly bring God’s righteous judgements to an unwary world. Only then will peace come to the whole earth.

“He shall judge between many peoples, and shall decide for strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more; but they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree, and none shall make them afraid”  Micah 4:3-4

Do not miss this enlightening presentation and examine the Biblical evidence for yourself!

Attend live or view the livestream here
Please email us yagoonachristadelphians@gmail.com
for Zoom details. A recording of the Seminar will be posted on this website.